Discover the Advantages of Paragon CRT® Contact Lenses
Since 2002, over a million users worldwide have enjoyed the benefits of wearing their Paragon CRT® Contact Lenses. Here are some examples of the benefits they have experienced in their daily lives and have shared with us over the years:
- Children and adults can benefit
- Can be prescribed for a child who can wear contact lenses
- Can be modified if nearsighted prescriptions change over the years
- Provides freedom from glasses and contact lenses for recreation, swimming, beach, sports and leisure
- Accelerated vision improvement
- Free from surgical risk, the Paragon CRT®
- Contact Lens process is convenient, comfortable and reversible
- Orthokeratology is effective and reversible
For Children
- No age restriction
No more broken glasses or scratched lenses - No more losing or tearing a contact lens
No more sore eyes after a day of school - Flexible and reversible
For Teens
- No age restriction
- No more carrying your glasses or contact lenses everywhere you go
- Ability to see to put on makeup and get ready without glasses
- Ability to play sports without glasses that are foggy or splattered with mud or perspiration
- Flexible and reversible
For Athletes
- Clear unaided vision during activities
- Unobstructed field of view and total peripheral vision without interference from glasses
- No more spectacles that steam up from perspiration or become foggy
- No irritation caused by contact lenses
- No need to bring spare contacts and contact lens solutions to practice and game days
- No worrying about potential complications of refractive surgery, which could adversely affect athletic performance for a lifetime
For Adults
- For those who experience irritation or dry eyes with daytime soft contact lenses
- For those who work in dusty or dry environments
- Pilots, police, firefighters, swimmers and others may now meet occupational demands for unaided vision
- For those who demand optimal vision for their profession such as surgeons, doctors and dentists
1. The Children’s Overnight Orthokeratology, Investigation (COOKI) Pilot Study JEFFREY J. WALLINE, OD, PhD, FAAO, MARJORIE J. RAH, OD, PhD, FAAO, and LISA A. JONES, PhD, FAAO. OPTOMETRY AND VISION SCIENCE, 2004
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